Berlin E-Ink Meetup
You’re in Berlin, and you’re interested in meeting fellow e-ink users? – Mark this page and come back in some weeks to see what’s new! There will be another meetup in late summer/early fall, and it will be announced here.
On April 12, 2024 a brave bunch of us got together for the 1rst Berlin E-Ink Meetup (or the first ever, worldwide?) at Coffee Fellows Humboldthafen – and of course we all had a lot of fun! It was great to meet people from all sorts of backgrounds and interests and also get to see and try out their devices in a relaxed and trustful atmosphere.
Can you spot the Tolinos smiling? See the shy Kindle Paperwhite amidst its shiny e-ink tablet siblings? Find the Hisense5ProColour phone? Oooh, and there is the Dasung monitor that had us all baffled with its amazing performance even when displaying a video …
But while these tech thingies brought us there, what is even more memorable, at least for me, is the way we all got into chatting and meeting new people who share this very niche interest for a variety of purposes and use cases.
I hope to see you all again soon! <3